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A puppy and a kitten>

Wellness Care Is Invaluable For Your Young Pet

A lab puppy looking at the camera

Puppies and kittens are highly susceptible to diseases during their early stage of life and require regular routine examinations, as well as core vaccinations to shield them from life-threatening illnesses. Your Family Veterinarian recommends that pet parents seek veterinary care for their young animal starting at 6 weeks. Not only does this start your pet out on a journey to good health, but also allows us to build a relationship with your furry friend. During this time, we provide the treatment needed to help them grow strong and healthy.

Our veterinarians usually suggest an examination of your furry friend every 3–4 weeks while they are young to ensure they are growing properly and to protect their developing immune system. Pet parents should expect to make 4–5 visits to our clinic for a continuous observation of their puppy or kitten. We recommend 2 visits a year after your pet’s formative stages.

Woman with kitten

Spaying and Neutering Your Furry Friend

We believe that spaying and neutering is important for every pet and highly recommend it. We carefully determine the appropriate time for a procedure depending on your pet’s breed, and guide pet parents through the process.

Benefits of Surgical Sterilization

Deciding to spay and neuter your pet is the best decision you can make for the health and longevity of your furry companion. Not only can it halt the overpopulation of animals, but it could also reduce the chances of certain cancers that can be fatal to your pet. Knowing when is the right time to spay and neuter can significantly decrease these risks. At Your Family Veterinarian we take the proper approaches and evaluate factors to determine readiness for surgical sterilization.

If you believe that you may want to spay or neuter your pet but are unsure whether they are ready for this procedure, give us a call today at (786) 885-1590. We can gladly advise and provide you with more information.

We look forward to a lifetime of care for your new puppy or kitten! Please contact us today to schedule a new puppy or kitten visit.